- ERC20和ERC721标准的实现
- 弹性的基于role的权限机制
- 提供可复用的Solidity组件,来构建自定义的合约及复杂的去中心化系统
- 为系统提供Gas Station Network的最优继承,且无需gas费用
- 头部安全公司的审计
A library for secure smart contract development. Build on a solid foundation of community-vetted code.
- Implementations of standards like ERC20 and ERC721.
- Flexible role-based permissioning scheme.
- Reusable Solidity components to build custom contracts and complex decentralized systems.
- First-class integration with the Gas Station Network for systems with no gas fees!
- Audited by leading security firms (last full audit on v2.0.0).
具体功能可参考Contract文档。以下所列的合约并不是OpenZeppelin library的一部分。
Integer 整型运算
- math.sol, by DappHub. Mixin for inline numerical wizardry.
- CarefulMath.sol, by Compound.
- Math.sol, by alianse777.
- SafeMathInt256, by Augur 1. Int256 math operations with safety checks that throw on error.
- SafeMathUint256.sol, by Augur 1. Uint256 math operations with safety checks that throw on error.
Floating Point 浮点型运算
- Multiprecision.sol, by alianse777.
- ABDKMathQuad.sol, by ABDK. Smart contract library of mathematical functions operating with IEEE 754 quadruple-precision binary floating-point numbers (quadruple precision numbers). :warning: Weird license.
Fixed Point 定点小数运算
- FixidityLib.sol, by CementDAO. This library provides fixed point arithmetic with protection against overflow.
- SafeDecimalMath.sol, by Synthetix. Safely manipulate unsigned fixed-point decimals at a given precision level.
- Exponential.sol, by Compound. Exponential module for storing fixed-precision decimals.
- ABDKMath64x64, by ABDK. Smart contract library of mathematical functions operating with signed 64.64-bit fixed point numbers. :warning: Weird license.
- FixedPoint.sol, by UMA . Library for fixed point arithmetic on uints with 18 digit precision.
- RealMath.sol, by Macroverse.
- BNum.sol, by Balancer. Library for fixed point arithmetic with 18 digit precision.
Fractions 有理数
- FractionUtil.sol, by Celo.
Random 随机
- UniformRandomNumber.sol, by PoolTogether. A library that eliminates modulo bias when bounding random numbers to a smaller range.
- Random.sol, by alianse777. “random” numbers generator (not cryptographicaly secure).
Bytes 字节数组
- BytesLib.sol, by Gonçalo Sá . Bytes tightly packed arrays utility library for ethereum contracts written in Solidity.
- LibBytes.sol, by Augur .
Arrays 数组
- Array.sol, by alianse777.
Type conversion 类型转换
- UintToString.sol, by Augur. Uint operations to convert to string.
- BytesToString.sol, by Augur. Bytes operations to convert to string and remove null characters.
- Convert.sol, by alianse777.
Memory 内存
- Memory.sol, by alianse777.
Proxy 代理
- MinimalProxy.sol, by Ripio.
- ProxyFactory.sol, by GNOSIS.
Wallet 钱包
MultiSig 多签
- MultiSigWallet.sol, by GNOSIS. Allows multiple parties to agree on transactions before execution.
- MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock.sol, by 0x. Multisignature wallet with time lock- Allows multiple parties to execute a transaction after a time lock has passed.
Data Structures 数据结构
- LibCLL.sol, by o0ragman0o. A Solidity library for implementing a data indexing regime using a circular linked list.
- StructuredLinkedList.sol, by Vittorio Minacori.
- LinkedList.sol, by TechHQ.
- DoubleLinkedList.sol, by TechHQ.
- StateMachine.sol, by TechHQ.
- SortitionSumTreeFactory, by Kleros. Allows values to be proportionally weighted with O(log(n)) efficiency. The linked package is actually the Kleros -codebase; ideally it should be extracted into its own library.
- Heap.sol, by Celo. Simple heap implementation.
- LinkedHashMap.sol, by AKA protocol.
- HitchensOrderStatisticsTree.sol, by Rob Hitchens. A Solidity Red-Black Tree library to store and maintain a sorted data structure in a Red-Black binary search tree, with O(log 2n) insert, remove and search time (and gas, approximately).
Strings 字符串
- strings.sol, by Arachnid. String & slice utility library for Solidity contracts.
Dates 日期
- BokkyPooBahsDateTimeLibrary.sol, by bokkypoobah. A gas-efficient Solidity date and time library.
Serialization 序列号
- Base64.sol, by OpenZeppelin.
- JsmnSolLib.sol, by chrisdotn.
Encoding 编码
- RLPEncode.sol, by OMG Network.
Cryptography 加解密
- TypedSignature.sol, by dYdX. Library to unparse typed signatures.
- SolRsaVerify.sol, by adria0. Verification of RSA Sha256 Pkcs1.5 Signatures.
Tokens 代币
- ERC20DividendableEth.sol, by TechHQ.
Voting 投票
- Voting.sol, by TechHQ.
- Timelock.sol, by Compound.